- Advantages of ILC
- Advantages of Leasing
- Apply Now
- Benefits to You
- Business Model: ILC
- Calendar
- Calculators: 10 Tools
- Case Studies
- Environmental Awareness
- Moving, Branching, Growing
- New Business Programs
- Policies
- Service Contract Financing
- Software Leasing
- Quotation Request
- Tax Savings Calculator
- Tool Kit; 10 Tools DVD
- Trade Association Programs
- Truth In Leasing Checklist
- Vehicle (Commercial Finance)
- What We Finance
- Who We Specialize in:
Serving Government, Municipal, Education, and Non-Profit Equipment Customers and Vendors
Thank you for the opportunity to present valuable information about the services we provide for your organization. Supporting the Government, Municipal, K-1 - 12th grade Education and Non-Profit entity equipment, software, and commercial equipment needs as well as the selling efforts of equipment vendor companies from Coast to Coast is what Investment Leasing Company is all about!
We have been providing Government, Municipal, K-1 - 12th grade Education and Non-Profit entity equipment, software, and vehicle leasing services since 1986 and have served thousands of organizations! Serving customer staffs and vendor sales staffs with leasing and financing services second to none is our goal.
Municipal & Government Leasing Program Details: